Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Drowning in Documenting?

Is it possible to over-document your pregnancy?  If it is, then I am probably guilty of it.  This is my first pregnancy and my first child, I do not want to forget any part of this experience, but am I taking it too far?

How I’m Documenting

1-Writing this blog
2-Having a baby website on “The Bump”
3-Posting on Facebook 
4-Keeping up with my Belly Book

5-Keeping up with the Baby Book

6-Writing letters and prayers to the baby in a journal.  I plan to continue this all through high school and give it as a gift when they leave for college

7-Making a baby blanket.  While I am making it I am dreaming, praying, and thinking about the baby

I am enjoying doing all of these things, but is it too much?
Will I be able to do this with any future children?  And if I do not, will they be let down?

How much or little do you document?
Do you wish you had done more?

I’m enjoying what I am doing, and I am hoping that my child will enjoy looking back on it as well.  I am just wondering, can there be too much documenting?

We document everything our child does.  We take pictures, videos, all sorts of things to remember their milestones, why can’t this start in pregnancy?  I think it should.  It’s all part of the journey and the story of their life.

I do not think I’m doing too much, although my husband may disagree, but I want to know what you think?  Is this a case of too much of a good thing?

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