Monday, January 12, 2015

Public Puddle

One of my biggest fear is my water breaking and going into labor in public.  I mean, how embarrassing! 
Adam and I had our first scare yesterday at the mall.  We were walking around the mall and suddenly I had this severe pain in my lower back.  It caused me to keel over.  Currently our baby is positioned face up and I was warned that this means I could have a lot of back labor.  So suddenly Adam and I were wondering if I was in labor.  The pain was coming every few minutes, but then would be further apart.  It was very irregular, but we decided to time them anyway.  They were everywhere from 2 minutes apart to 9 minutes apart.  We put in a call to the midwife and waited for her to call back.  The pain started to shoot down my leg.  We decided to go home because we didn’t know what was going on and Adam was afraid that I was going to start scaring people in the mall.  I mean, here is a pregnant woman, walking around the mall, keeling over and gasping in pain every so often.  We got home and eventually got a call back from the midwife, and it was only the baby sitting on my sciatic nerve, not labor.  It was a relief, but still not fun.  I am definitely ready for this baby to come, but I’m really hoping I’m not in public for the next time I think I’m in labor.  It is stressful.  Here is a link from The Bump of some of the craziest places women have gone into labor.  Enjoy the laugh, and please hope with me that I’m not in any of these situations.

1 comment:

  1. Matt keep plastic pain cloths in the car because it was new and he didn't want my water to break on the seat. It didn't. You will do fine.
