Monday, September 22, 2014

10 Things I Learned During my First Trimester

1. There is such a thing as too much morning sickness

At the end of the 1st trimester I told the midwife how sick I had been and she was shocked and said “Why didn’t you come and see us and get some medicine?”  Well, everything you hear about pregnancy is how sick you are.  I didn’t know there was too sick.  If you throw up more than 2 times a day, you probably need to tell your doctor and get some medicine.  By the time I knew that, my sickness was pretty much done.

2. Buy some comfy Pj’s because you will spend a lot of time in them.

During the first trimester I slept more than I ever thought possible.  I was tired all the time, and even after sleeping all the time I was still tired.  I could never get enough sleep.

3. Housework is the first thing to go

Either you’re too tired, you’re too sick, the smells bother you, or you just don’t want to do it, there will be some reason to not do housework.  Take the excuse and lay on the couch.  People will understand if your house isn’t pristine, you’re growing a person you know.

4. Don’t eat until you’re full

I threw up many times just because I had eaten too much, so eat little meals throughout the day and you will feel so much better.  Again, something I learned at the very end of the first trimester. 

5. If you think you are drinking enough water, drink more.

You need tons of water just to keep going.  You will drink so much water that pretty soon you will hate it, but its way better than getting dehydrated. 

6. Keep walking

Even though you are exhausted, keep getting out and doing things.  You still need your exercise, and you need to have some fun.  Don’t stay in your house wrapped up in bed with your trashcan. 

7. Always know where the bathroom is

Since you’re going to be going out and doing things, always know where the quickest bathroom is…just in case

8. Everyone has a surefire way to ease nausea, and none of them will work for you

Don’t get discouraged if every single thing you try fails, just keep trying until you find the one for you.  And it could be something that no one ever suggested.  My way to ease nausea: eating Oreos.

9. Your husband will laugh at you

Your husband will find your cravings and aversions funny.  He will find your pregnancy brain hilarious.  And if he’s anything like mine, he’ll even find you running to the bathroom funny because you have always wanted to be pregnant.  Just don’t let it get to you personally.  He’s enjoying this part of the pregnancy for you.  And he loves you, he just doesn’t get it.

10. It will end

The first trimester is just that, the first.  It will end.  I’m not saying all of your nasty symptoms will magically go away once you hit the 14 week mark, but at some point you will start to feel better.  You will have more energy, you will eat more, and you will start to enjoy yourself.  I know I am!


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