Saturday, September 13, 2014

Pleasantly Ignorant

I pretty much have no preconceived ideas about pregnancy.  I have no idea what to expect or what’s going on, and I like it that way. 
The first thing my midwife told me to do was throw away “What to Expect when you’re Expecting” because it’s scary and sometimes inaccurate. 
And I did and I think it was the best idea ever.  I had read like one chapter of the book, and it was literally like “these are all the things that could go wrong in your first trimester.”  Sheesh.  I don’t need that.  I can imagine all kinds of terrible things happening all on my own.  No one wants to be friends with, or even be around, scared, worried Lauren.  She’s just not nice.  Because of this, I have generally stayed away from googling and any other kind of researching.  We’ll just see what happens and take each new thing as it comes, and when in doubt, call my doctor or my mother.  That seems much better than freaking myself out once a week because of whatever I just read in a book.  I don’t know what’s up ahead or what kind of things are in my future, and I’m perfectly okay not knowing, because it’s probably better that I don’t, and then everything new is exciting.  Generally I am an over-researcher, but not this time.  This time I’m going to be pleasantly, happily ignorant, and hopefully pleasantly surprised. 

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